Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Almost Time to Leave

I see this...and I start to freak out a bit....

And then I see this....

And I really start doing the HAPPY DANCE!!!

It's my last day in the office for the remainder of the month.  Per usual, I'm booked with back to back meetings.  Go figure, just when you want to be totally checked out...

I keep checking the weather in Barcelona and it ain't looking good.  Two years ago when we arrived it POURED down rain ALL DAY LONG.  I don't mean light showers, I mean much for "The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain..." A little "My Fair Lady" anyone? Everyone kept telling us how unusual it was to get rain like that in Barcelona...just our luck.  And today, this is how the weather looks for Friday.

Yep, more rain. And a BALMY 55 degrees.  In all seriousness, we've had almost a foot of snow since Halloween.  Yes, Halloween.  We had almost 6 inches then and an almost another 6 inches on Monday.  PLUS, yesterday when I left for work it was 7 degrees.  With the windchill, it was -7.  In the grand scheme of things, even 55 degrees and rain will be WAY better than what we have here now!

I'm almost all packed, with the exception of my hanging items that tend to wrinkle.  As they won't get unpacked until Sunday when we board the ship, they'll go in last.  

I've been feverishly cleaning the house, as the girls get home on the 22nd for their Thanksgiving break.  My Dad (Pop-Tart) is flying up on the 23rd to spend the holiday with them.  Graham Cracker and I will be someplace in the middle of the Atlantic. 

When my first daughter was born, my parents wanted to be called Grammy and Poppy.  And they were, until the girls got into Junior High.  They felt my parents needed street cred, so Grammy and Poppy became Pop-Tart and Graham Cracker (when they are together it's either Pop-Cracker or Graham-Tart, take your pick). And the names have stuck, and now everyone I know calls them Graham Cracker and Pop-Tart.  My poor dad, depending on the mood of the girls he's either the ooey-gooey kind of Pop-Tart with sprinkles, or he's not.  I guess that also depends on how many times he takes them to Starbucks.

Now I need to remember to move my travel umbrella from my big suitcase into my carry on so it's easily accessible when we arrive Friday morning. I wish all of my problems were that big!

Gotta get the fingers and toes all pretty tonight after work.  Then one more sleep until we are on our way!  Thanks for coming along!